Download the Trial Premium here.
Entry Fees
Early JC & QC Test Entry - $15.00 Each Hound.
There is no requirement to have a JC prior to running a QC certification, but some folks may want a JC title along with running in an event.
Early Trial Entry - $20 for 1st hound, $17 for 2nd & other hounds same household
Day of Event Entries (Test or Trial) - $25.00 per hound
Pre-entries close: 6:00p.m. Thursday, June 18th, 2015 at the home of the Field Trial Secretary
Day of Trial entries close at 7:30am for the Tests each day.
Day of Trial entries close at 8:00 am for the TRIAL each day.
Day of Trial entries must be received by the Field Trial Secretary, at the field by the closing time.